Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair

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Surely you’ve heard about passing apple cider vinegar on your hair, haven’t you!? After all, this practice has become a fever among women and promises incredible results. But, between us, do you know the effects of apple cider vinegar on your hair after all? And why is it so popular? Discover all this with us and learn how to use vinegar on your hair?

Understanding the PH of Hair

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To talk about the action of apple cider vinegar on the hair, it is essential to understand what the PH of the hair is and what it represents for the hair. So come on! PH stands for Hydrogen Potential, which is a unit of measurement to indicate the acidity levels of the hair and its neutrality and its alkaline levels.

When the PH of the hair is rated between 1 and 6.9 on this scale, it is considered acidic. The acidity levels of healthy hair are usually between 4.5 and 5.5. The neutral PH level needs to be equal to 7, no more, no less. In this case, it is neither acid nor alkaline. The alkaline pH is between 7.1 and 14. If a hair is among these numbers, it means that it is fragile and porous. A wire in this state has open scales and, for this reason, is susceptible to external actions, leaving it rough, dry, brittle, and damaged. When the hair scales are open, they are not able to retain the fluids, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that keep it healthy and, for this reason, it is so fragile.

How to Tell if Your Yarn Is Alkaline

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It is not very difficult to find out if the hair is not healthy, is it !? This is because most of the characteristics of damaged hair are visible: it is dry, brittle, excessively elastic, opaque, and fragile. These can be indications of alkaline hair. In addition, the porosity of your yarn can also reveal its alkalinity. And to find out if your hair is really porous, there is also a trick that you can easily perform at home.

Porosity Test

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This technique will tell you if your hair is porous or not, and to do it is very simple. You just need to cut a piece of hair from your neck, preferably. You don’t have to pull the wire out, cutting a little piece of it with scissors is enough. After that, put this wire in a glass of water. If the hair floats, it means that your hair is fine and it has low porosity. You just need to bet on the hydration steps to keep everything in order. If the wire sinks a little and stays in the middle of the glass, it means that the porosity is normal, and it is worth investing in nutrition steps to make the locks look beautiful. Finally, if the hair shaft has sunk completely, it means that your hair has high porosity, and the chances of your hair being alkaline is great.

But, be calm, it does not mean that everything is lost, but that you need to return the acidity to these strands. And how to do that? That’s where apple cider vinegar comes in!

What Is Apple Cider Vinegar For

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Apple cider vinegar has a high PH level, which means that it is acidic. For this reason, it can be a good tool to rebalance the acidity levels of the strands that are alkaline, making them healthy again.

Apple Cider Vinegar in the Hair

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Apple cider vinegar can be administered to the hair as a homemade acidifier, that is, it is applied directly to the strands to restore the acidity levels of that strand. Some people mix it with the conditioner, others with a little water, and apply it to the hair. There are also those people who choose products that contain apple cider vinegar in their composition.

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

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Apple cider vinegar has been shown to be increasingly efficient for treating porous and damaged hair, such as alkaline hair. Therefore, the benefits of this component are many. Check out some of them below.

Rebalancing the acidity, of course!

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As we already mentioned in this article, the main benefit of apple cider vinegar for alkaline hair is to restore its acidity, close its scales, and provide the opportunity for the hair to retain the fluids, nutrients, vitamins, and everything else it needs to stay healthy.

Sealed tips, who doesn’t love!?

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Yes, as apple vinegar closes the scales of the fiber, seals the ends of the wires too. In this way, it ends up saying goodbye to that aspect of the hair’s battered hair when the ends are not sealed.

Much brighter locks!

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The fact that the hair acquires sealed tips helps a lot in the natural shine. Because when the scales are open, the wire is opaque and with a dry appearance. With the sealed cuticles, the hair is much brighter and full of life. This is because the reflection of the light can then act on this wire, promoting that incredible brightness.

Farewell to clearance!

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When the hair is able to absorb all the components necessary for its treatment, it looks healthier. This includes soft, hydrated locks, full of movement and with sealed ends, eliminating the rough texture of damaged hair. For this reason, clearance is much simpler!

No more frizz!

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This account is easy to discover the result, with the closed scales and healthy strands, the chance of frizz is much less, unless it is a natural feature of your hair, as in the case of curly and curly hair. However, even so, with the treatment using apple cider vinegar, it is possible to greatly reduce the frizz in these cases.

Defined curls

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The healthier, soft, and full of movement the curly hair is, the more defined your curls will be. Therefore, treating your springs with apple cider vinegar to rebalance the acidity levels of your hair will also result in a mega definition for your locks!


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