How Much Does It Cost to Travel to the Maldives Islands?

How much does it cost to travel to the Maldives Islands? - featured image

To organize your trip to the Maldives Islands, we have listed here the main expenses for those who want to venture on their paradisiacal beaches. Check the average price of airline tickets, the different hotel prices, from the simplest to the most luxurious, the price of meals, tours, and other tips!

Maldives Islands: Where Is It?

Maldives Islands: Where Is It? - image

The Republic of Maldives is an archipelago in the Indian Ocean, southwest of India and Sri Lanka. And on the map, the Maldives belongs geographically to the Asian continent.

There are approximately 1,196 islands, of which only 203 are inhabited. It is a small paradise on land, that makes the eyes of any beach lover shine!

How Much Does a Ticket to the Maldives Cost?

How Much Does a Ticket to the Maldives Cost? - image

The main destinations in the Maldives Islands are seaside resorts, which are impressive for their beauty and isolation. The gateway to these places is the city of Malé, the region’s capital, from where speed boats and seaplanes depart to the nearby islands.

Ticket price varies as per your departure destination, but you can find cheap tickets as well by using online websites.

Where to Stay in the Maldives Islands?

Where to stay in the Maldives Islands? - images

No matter where you stay or how much you pay for the means of accommodation, one thing is certain in the Maldives Islands: you will always be close to the paradisiacal blue sea.

The options with a lower cost for hotels are in Malé or in the small islets nearby, and most of these places are very close to the beach.

When to Travel to the Maldives Islands?

When to travel to the Maldives Islands? - images

Because they are very close to the Equator, the Maldives Islands have high and stable temperatures throughout the year, which always vary between 26 and 30 degrees.
What changes is the period of drought and rain, which define the seasons there:

  • Between December and April : high season. It rains less, the days are longer, and the number of visitors is higher.
  • Between May and November : the humidity increases, creating a period with a greater probability of rain.
  • For those who want to save : go between the seasons, between November and December, or April and May, when flights and hotels are cheaper.

Maldives Islands Travel Tips

Maldives Islands Travel Tips - image

Most resorts on private islands offer a transfer to the airport, both on the way out and on the way back. Always pay attention to the available times, as the values ​​of air taxis and private boats can reach 150 USD to 200 USD reais per person.

Another important tip is what to bring to the Maldives. As it is Muslim territory, the entry of alcoholic beverages is prohibited, which is only sold on the properties of the resorts. Before packing, visit the Maldives website.

It is worth remembering that the visa is granted at the airport, as soon as you disembark in Malé, and is valid for 30 days.


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